Ed Carpenter

IndyCar News: Ed Carpenter pans IndyCar’s Hybrid Cars

The Iowa IndyCar races were some of the most boring races in IndyCar history. In this interview, veteran driver Ed Carpenter pans the new Hybrid IndyCars saying they have made the racing worse and more expensive.

–by Mark Cipolloni–

Will Power in front of mostly empty grandstands. The paying customers rejected the race and stayed home – too boring. Newton, IA – during the HyVee IndyCar Race Weekend in Newton, Iowa. (Photo by Joe Skibinski | IMS Photo)

Just like F1 is doing with their 2026 cars, ruining the sport to placate the greenies, IndyCar implemented hybrid engines just to say they use them, instead of asking their paying customers whether they really give a damn.

The paying customers want to see more passing, not a parade, and the heavier cars caused by the hybrid components, make it harder to pass. Plus the fact IndyCar allows the hybrid power boost to be used defensively, making it doubly hard for the driver behind to pass.

Related Article: Iowa IndyCar races “the most boring thing I’ve ever done”

A total screwup of the biggest proportions. Hear what Ed Carpenter has to say.