2026 F1 car rendering

F1 News: Are 2026 F1 cars about to get really slow? – Watch

There has been a lot of speculation about the performance of the 2026 F1 cars. Some have called them Frankenstein Cars because they are trying to placate the greenies and their fake global warming narrative (global warming is not man-made) that we have covered extensively previously.

In the Engineering Explained video, a comparison of the current 2024 F1 cars vs the 2026 F1 cars is made and you will see how much compromise must be made to placate the greenies.

The most alarming point that is made is that on long straights, drivers will likely have to brake far earlier than today to harness more electrical power, i.e. coasting into the corner instead of braking hard like you would in a real racing series.

This is what happens when a race series tries to placate the greenies. You potentially ruin it.  Time will tell