Auto: Roadside Safety: What to Do If Your Car Stops Suddenly
When your car stops unexpectedly, it can be a stressful and potentially dangerous situation. Knowing what to do in this scenario can keep you safe and get you back on the road as quickly as possible. Here are the essential steps to take if your car stops suddenly.
Call for Help
After ensuring your immediate safety, it’s time to call for assistance. Use your cell phone to contact roadside assistance or a towing service. If you don’t have a roadside assistance plan, the folks behind East Coast Towing suggest you call a local towing company. You can also call your car insurance provider for help. In some situations, it might be necessary to call 911, particularly if you’re in a dangerous location or if you’re unable to move your car to a safe place.
Safely Pull Over
If your car begins to lose power or stops running, the first thing you need to do is get off the road safely. Turn on your hazard lights immediately to alert other drivers. Look for a safe place to pull over, such as the shoulder of the road, a parking lot, or a side street. If you’re on a highway, try to reach an exit if it’s close. Once you’ve found a safe spot, shift your car into the park and engage the parking brake.
Stay Inside and Stay Visible
Once you’ve safely pulled over, it’s usually best to stay inside your vehicle, especially if you’re on a busy road or highway. Exiting your car can expose you to fast-moving traffic. Make sure your hazard lights remain on to keep your vehicle visible. If you have reflective triangles or road flares, place them behind your car to further increase visibility, especially in low-light conditions.
Stay Calm and Prepared
While waiting for help to arrive, stay calm and avoid unnecessary actions. Keep your doors locked and be cautious if strangers offer help. If the weather is extreme, stay aware of your environment and try to stay comfortable – run the heater or air conditioner if needed, but be mindful of battery power. Make sure you have emergency supplies in your car, such as water, a blanket, and a first aid kit, to help you manage in case the wait is long.
Check for Immediate Issues
While you wait for professional help, it’s worth checking for any obvious issues that might be quickly fixable, especially if you are in a safe location. For instance, if your car stopped because of overheating, you might notice steam coming from under the hood. In such a case, it’s essential to wait for the engine to cool down before opening the hood to avoid burns.
Look for signs of a flat tire, such as a pronounced lean to one side of the car. If you’re knowledgeable about cars and have the necessary tools, you could potentially address minor issues like a flat tire or a disconnected battery cable. However, if you are unsure or if the issue appears complex, it’s best to wait for professional assistance.

Dealing with a sudden car stoppage can be daunting, but knowing what to do can make a significant difference in your safety and the efficiency of handling the situation. By pulling over safely, staying visible, calling for help, and staying calm, you can effectively manage the incident and ensure you and your passengers remain safe until help arrives.