Tesla Plant. Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

4 Trends to Examine in the Technology and the Automotive Industry

The development of the automotive industry is closely tied to technological advancement. Every new platform or tool changes every sector facet, from manufacturing to safety.  Given how fast things move today, we can only think of what innovations will take the forefront.

One thing’s for sure, there are already a few of these the automotive industry is presently harnessing. From the looks of it, things are looking up for manufacturers and investors who are eager to realize the revolution in the world of transportation and logistics. Let’s take a look at a few of the most profound technological advancements making rounds in the industry today:

  1. Focus on sustainability intensifies

Climate scientists have signaled alarms of an impending doomsday scenario brought by warming seas and ecological collapse. The automotive industry isn’t far behind in heeding the call to abandon fossil fuels and shift towards more sustainable alternatives. The market for electric cars is growing, although it will take some time before full adoption is achieved. Nevertheless, concepts are suggesting more effective ways to run vehicles. 

One such innovation is the Cyber Trailer designed by Living Vehicle and modeled after Tesla’s cybertruck. Built for outdoor adventures, this RV-type vehicle runs on solar cells and is equipped with amenities that allow for running water and recycling waste.

  1. The influence of new tech on competitive racing

Another area that technology continues to impact is the world of competitive racing. New technologies such as machine learning are used in analyzing vehicle performance and elevating safety. In the world of Formula 1 racing, the convergence between machine learning and automotive design is expected to produce vehicles that allow for greater aerodynamics. Racing teams can also use machine learning as both a training and maintenance tool.

Likewise, new technology is enhancing the visibility of competitive racing, with NASCAR leveraging technology to draw in more crowds and attract more sponsorships. The increasing popularity of live streaming races such as the Daytona 500 and Southern 500 will also pave the way for more interactive and engaging experiences for race fans. It won’t be long before the country’s top racing events will embrace Augmented Reality as a way to bring high-speed action to every home. 

  1. Self-driving features 

We still have a long way before self-driving vehicles take the roads due to their limitations, but recent advancements assure us of a future where these will become prevalent. For now, AI-powered vehicles that provide hands-free driving without compromising safety are still in the design and testing phase. 

While it will take decades before the industry introduces self-driving features to consumers, research and development in this area continue. Intense focus is placed on improving detection and navigation systems. Issues on reliability will remain for now, but current concepts are stirring curiosities and fueling excitement.

  1. Connectivity becomes a priority

Since we’re living in a world where everything runs on the Internet of Things, it’s only important to look at how today’s cars are equipped with communication devices. Going beyond standard GPS technology, the vehicles of today and tomorrow feature 5G capabilities.

This allows drivers to control their vehicles remotely using their smartphones. Auto maintenance also becomes more streamlined as owners can monitor their vehicle’s condition in real-time and get notified of upcoming maintenance schedules.


As technology continues to progress, so will the automotive industry. As far as performance and safety are concerned, the latest trends will offer consumers greater ease, comfort, and protection in the years to come.