More on the fallacy of Electric Vehicles and ‘fake’ global warming (Update)
More evidence that man-made global warming is a hoax perpetrated on mankind by corrupt politicians!
Forest cover in France. 18th century vs. 20th century.
The population in France grew from 30 million → 60 million.
CO2 increased from 285 ppm → 425 ppm
425ppm = just 0.0425% of the atmosphere is CO2
Hydrocarbons replaced wood fuel & CO2 IS GREENING THE PLANET

Real Cause of Current Global Warming
Jupiter’s full solar orbit is 11.85 years long. Jupiter exerts a gravitational pull on the Sun.
From Earth, we experience and observe a regular cycle of Solar intensity increasing and peaking then waning of 11 years. This is from Jupiter plus all other planets combined, exerting a regular pull of the Sun towards us.
This 11 year pull also increases solar activity on the Sun’s surface. We can see this increased activity manifest through more Sun Spots.
We can see this 11-year cycle in tree rings on planet Earth going back millennia. Just like the Moon exerts a pull on the Earth’s Sea which manifests in high and low tides, Jupiter exerts a pull on the Sun’s surface which manifests in increased Sun spot frequency and intensity.
This is what creates the 11 year Schwabe cycle, as well as the 178 Jose cycle as all the planet orbits realign with this duration, as the planet orbits are always changing due to the pull of the planets on each other.
The changing solar activity due to the changing orbital distances and combined gravitational solar and planetary pulls is what causes both solar activity to vary according to even longer regular cycles, including the 1,000 year Bray-Halstatt global warming cycle.
CO2 change is the effect of these combined gravitational changes which cause warming and cooling, it is not the cause. This is because seawater releases CO2 when it heats up, and absorbs CO2 when it cools down. The sea heating and cooling is caused by the Sun heating and cooling the Earth’s atmosphere, as well as the Sun’s cyclical influence over the Earth’s cloud cover. Source Robin Monotti
January 18, 2024
The video below is one of many charging stations all over Chicago where electric vehicle lemmings are left stranded during the winter and have to have their cars towed.
Wealthy liberals who virtue signal by driving their Tesla believe they are smart, but fail to contemplate how the energy is produced to power these expensive turkeys. Most owners infatuated with EV technology failed to consider the fact that the batteries that power these expensive golf carts will eventually need to be replaced.
Related Article: Hertz takes bloodbath on EVs
Renewable Energy, EVs on Collision Course with Global Anti-Mining Policies
The reality of CO2 and Climate Change
You should watch this short video where Professor Ian Plimer Utterly Demolishes the Shameful ‘Climate Emergency’ HOAX – our Earth was warming from a recent mini ice age and has stopped. We must end this before more $100Billions are wasted.
— Wayne Dunlap (@wdunlap) July 22, 2023
“Anthropogenic climate change” is without a doubt the largest hoax ever perpetrated on the world population. M.I.T and Harvard professor of Atmospheric Physics ,Dr. Richard Lindzen, says there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support “ anthropogenic climate change”… none!
— Rick Manning (@RickManning18) November 3, 2022