Automotive: Electric Cars Are An Expensive Scam – Harsanyi

In  this article titled “Electric Cars Are An Expensive Scam” author David Harsanyi rips the electric car scam a wide one.

It’s a must-read, even if you are an electric car lover.

Without government subsidies, there would be little market for money-losing electric cars.

In 2021, Ford reportedly lost $34,000 on every EV it made. This year it was losing more than $58,000 on every EV. In a normal world, Ford would be dramatically scaling back EV production, not expanding it.

Without massive government help, EVs are a niche market for rich virtue signalers.

And the fact is that if EVs were more efficient and saved us money, as enviros and politicians claim, consumers wouldn’t have to be compelled into using them and companies wouldn’t have to be bribed into producing them, wrote Harsanyi.