Automobile: Hole in the ozone layer is closing, will climate change cease? (Update)
There may be something to the Ozone hole closing because since 2015, the NOAA says the earth is cooling.

January 10, 2023
In early 2022, NOAA scientists found that concentrations of harmful chemicals had declined by just over 50 percent in the mid-level of the stratosphere compared to the 1980s.
Scientists at the NOAA say it is a “significant milestone” on the path to recovery.
The ozone layer — which blocks ultraviolet sunlight from reaching Earth’s surface — continues to slowly thicken. Once the hole over the polar icecaps closes completely, far less ultraviolet radiation will hit the icecaps, which contributes to the melting of the ice and the slow rise in water levels.
Scientists said the recovery is gradual and will take many years. If current policies remain in place, the ozone layer is expected to recover to 1980 levels — before the appearance of the ozone hole — by 2040, the report said, and will return to normal in the Arctic by 2045. Additionally, Antarctica could experience normal levels by 2066.
Recovery of the ozone layer isn’t a “forgone conclusion”, however, as atmospheric levels of these damaging chemicals need to continue declining.
Research is showing that these efforts to save the ozone layer are proving beneficial in the fight against climate change.
Once the holes close we may find that climate change stops, but scientists are not ready to predict that yet because “climate change” is job security. Have to keep that funding coming so they have employment.
We shall see what happens, but if it does stop, then we will have another environmental disaster to deal with – what to do with the millions of spent Electric Car batteries rotting and polluting our groundwater.
Worse yet, perhaps we will re-enter the ice age that these same so-called expert scientists predicted in 1970 – see video below.