F1: Car changes won’t work as well as cost cap will – Vettel
(GMM) Sebastian Vettel is leaving Formula 1 after Sunday’s Abu Dhabi finale, wondering if the sport was right to shake up the technical rules in 2022.
He said that while 2021 was an ultra-intense and close thriller that went down to the wire, “It would have been better for the sport to have left the rules as they were”.
“The goal was to make overtaking and the show better and to make it easier for us to overtake,” Vettel, 35, told Suddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

“It’s gotten a little better, but the big revolution that was announced didn’t materialize.”
However, he thinks the budget cap will start to take effect over the next few years.
“A process has been started that has the potential to bring the field closer together,” said the quadruple world champion.
“Thanks to the budget cap, in the long term it won’t be only the teams with a lot of money that win, but also the smaller teams.
“However, that will only happen in a horizon of five years.”
Another area Formula 1 needs to improve in, according to Vettel, is morally. For instance, he thinks the sport should immediately scratch its race in Qatar.
“If statements like the ones made by the world cup ambassador are made, we simply should not go to Qatar,” said Vettel, referring to homophobic remarks.
“It should be exactly determined what the basic political conditions must be to be able to do sports in a country. And certain countries are just out of date.
“Then, as Formula 1 or FIFA, we should just say no. Not just nod politely to take the money.”
He also thinks Formula 1 should commit with more determination to climate change-mitigating measures.
“What happens if Formula 1 takes a wrong turn on the road to climate neutrality and does not meet its own requirements?” the Aston Martin driver said.
“Unfortunately at the moment Formula 1 controls Formula 1 and FIFA controls FIFA.”