F1 rejects proposed NY City Race Venue

New York City, a place where the crazed democrats defunded the police resulting in a major increase in crime, wants to now have an F1 race.  F1 said no thanks.

Greg Maffei, CEO of Liberty Media, the company that owns and operates Formula 1, revealed during a media event on Thursday that New York City mayor Eric Adams offered up Randalls and Wards Island as a venue for a future F1 race, according to Autosport.

Maffei made it clear, however, that such an event would not likely occur.

“The Eric Adams administration has reached out asking for one,” Maffei said. “I think that’s very difficult. Their proposal, Randalls Island, is probably not our perfect venue.”

“I think the reality is street races in a place like New York are just very, very, very hard,” Maffei added. “Las Vegas is one of the few places in the United States you could probably get a street race done, it has a different mentality.”

“New York is a wonderful venue, but it’s hard to see that they’re going to shut Central Park for us!” Maffei said.

When told by a moderator they’d like to see a race in New York, Maffei replied: “I suspect there are a few other [crazy liberal] groups which might not, so probably a fight we don’t need to have.”