F1: USGP ticket sales are on fire (Update)
COTA today sold out of reserved grandstand tickets for this year’s USGP in five hours.
At those prices. Absolutely amazing!
March 16, 2022
Tickets for the Formula 1 Aramco United States Grand Prix on October 21-23, 2022 are available now. From general admission to reserved seats, there are many different ways to experience the USGP this fall.
A grandstand seat cannot be had for less than $3,000, such is the huge demand. The wait queue to buy tickets online is hours long.
The race will sellout quickly.
Last year, the race attracted $400,000 over the three day weekend.

At $3,000 or more per seat, clearly the Indy 500 and Daytona 500 are no longer the most important races in America. IndyCar and NASCAR fans would never pay those prices and the ticket revenue the USGP at COTA generates dwarfs both the Indy 500 and Daytona 500.
The new owners of F1 (Liberty Media) know what they are doing to increase value.
The 3rd USGP, soon to be announced in Las Vegas, could be even larger.