1 in 5 Electric Vehicle Owners in California Switched Back to Gas-Powered Cars
One in five electric vehicle owners in California switched back to gas-powered because of the inconvenience of charging.
It only takes a few minutes to fill up a gas tank, yet some electric vehicles need several hours of charging to drive 35 miles.
Charging electric vehicles is a total “hassle” say 20% of EV owners surveyed between 2012 and 2018 so they’re going back to gas, researchers found.
The Biden Admin and the Marxists in California are trying to force electric vehicles onto American citizens through “infrastructure” plans and executive orders.
Electric vehicles cost between $50,0000 to $300,000 and they take HOURS to fully charge the battery.

Biden also vowed to build 500,000 EV charging stations (4 times the number of gas stations) but most Americans prefer to drive gas-powered vehicles.
“It should not be assumed that once a consumer purchases a PEV they will continue owning one,” researchers Scott Hardman and Gil Tal wrote. “What is clear is that this could slow PEV market growth and make reaching 100% PEV sales more difficult.”
Business Insider reported:
Roughly one in five plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) owners switched back to owning gas-powered cars, in large part because charging the batteries was a pain in the… trunk, the researchers found.
Of those who switched, over 70% lacked access to Level 2 charging at home, and slightly fewer than that lacked Level 2 connections at their workplace.
“If you don’t have a Level 2, it’s almost impossible,” said Tynan, who has tested a wide range of makes and models of PEVs over the years for his research.
Even with the faster charging, a Chevy Volt he tested still needed nearly six hours to top its range back up to 300 miles from nearly empty — something that takes him just minutes at the pump with his family SUV.
Public charging stations may look like the electric version of the gas station, but nearly two-thirds of PEV drivers in the survey said they didn’t use them. Exactly why they didn’t use the public stalls was not specified.
Fixing the charging issue will require more participation from automakers, who have yet to find a profitable way of producing electric cars. Even Tesla, easily the leader in the category, was only able to eke out a first-quarter profit by selling energy credits and bitcoin.
Wait until the tree huggers find out that coal (gasp) power plants are used to charge electric vehicles.