Order the flowers

UPDATE #3 AutoRacing1.com offers its first reply to these letters in an article by E. Rasmussen Holm now appearing on our Home Page called Champ Car: Now is not the time to order the flowers. Another response will appear later today.

03/09/07 Another reader writes, Dear Autoracing1.com, Like many other Champ Car fans I was waiting for the big announcements Kevin K promised for Champ Car……what a disappointment. Where were all the driver signings, fully sponsored cars and Ford's replacement? (Mazda as the official car……King Taco as the official Taco?). Robin Miller, as usual, was 100% correct in his critique of Champ Car and the gross mismanagement of Champ Car by its owners and managers. 2007 was full of promise 8 months ago with the new car replacing the Lola and all those potential "new teams" and IRL refugees that were knocking down Kevin K's door. WHAT HAPPENEND?

Furthermore, PKV's driver announcement is simply shocking given the fact that Mario, Servia, Philippe, Jos V, Junky, Pizzonia, etc… still have no rides. Servia said it best, “It’s all about money," he said. “Even the guys that have money want money. I have two very good opportunities, but neither is very likely to happen." All of that coupled with the fact that HUGE gaps exist in the schedule is unprofessional and simply a joke. Do they know that the perception of impending death will devour them in the next couple of days?

Put a fork in Champ Car as they are DONE and my patience as a fan is officially over. Yes the IRL does stupid full throttle oval racing, but if Champ Car goes away, the IRL will grow and continue its morph into a modern day CART. The IRL at least has some sponsors and some marketable drivers. Even GP2 and A1GP have more well known drivers than Champ Car. As much as it hurts me to say it……Champ Car needs to go away and let Tony and the IRL take over because I am sick of watching Montoya, Pruett, Fernandez, Jourdain Jr., and soon to be every other talented race car driver in the world race in the Busch leagues.

It is really sad that as an open wheel fan I can't wait for new announcements from the GP Masters series. At least they have some well known drivers!!!

Please Kevin and Gerry…..if you guys care about open wheel racing at all PULL THE PLUG on Champ Car or merge with the IRL immediately….the fans of open wheel racing have SUFFERED enough. Peter M. Romero, Esq.

03/09/07 Another reader writes, Dear AutoRacing1.com, There has to be some overriding explanation as to why Champ Car owners choose guys like Gommendy over fan favorites, recognizable veterans, and drawing cards like Servia, Philippe, Dominguez, Ranger, Hunter-Reay, etc…. If it's money, then what about your mention that PKV is flush with sponsorship this year? It would do us fans well to read an investigative story about how these decisions are made, if you can get some Robin Miller-like honesty out of the owners. Thanks for your fine coverage. You make the editors of the Champ Car and Champ Car Atlantic websites look like bench warmers. Chris Smith

03/08/07 A reader writes, Dear AutoRacing1.com, I have tried to stay positive but I can't. Champ Car is like a revolving door. How can it build a fan base when the driver turnover is like a revolving door. They have no clue. PKV takes an unknown, Tristan Gommendy over a "KNOWN" like Mario Dominguez or Nelson Philippe, and goes with an unknown. This is brilliant. And now, no Mexicans for Mexico City or Chinese drivers for China. Brilliant moves. And the other announcements at Laguna Thursday were quite underwhelming. Order the flowers and plan the funeral. It's over. Mordichai Rosen, Los Angeles, Ca.