Rolex 24: 20 Hour Report

Dalziel weaves through traffic for the surprise front-runner Action Express Porsche V8

The Action Express Porsche is back in the lead after a pit stop. Dalziel lost the lead to Pruett, but then held pace behind him, staying within a second into the next pit stop. They stopped before the BMW, which seems to be going a little bit longer now between stops, and longer than they race-dominating #2 car that blew up around midnight. Dalziel is in front and seems to be bettering Wilsons lap times.

Look for these two teams to trade places a few more times before seeing them drop their fastest drivers in the seat for the last stint. Dalziel was the quick driver in the first half of the race for the team, but Rockenfeller holds the fastest laps at this point.

The race has really sorted out now with the nearest challenger Michael Valiante 3 laps back, and Westbrook another 30 seconds back from there.

Top 5 for the DP class this time:

Dalziel – Porsche V8
Wilson – BMW
Valiante – Ford
Westbrook – BMW
Vasser – Chevy

The GT class saw the Mazdas take the lead according to their plan. As night approached SPEED interviewed Sylvain Tremblay and he said that he was quite confident that come morning they would be at the front. He is followed by Dumas, who is 2 laps behind right now and Patrick Long another 2 laps behind.

The top 5 in the GT class:

Tremblay – Mazda
Dumas – Porsche
Long – Porsche
Lally – Porsche
Borkowski – Chevy