INDYCAR movie in the pipeline?

Beau Brandenburg, Joe Tanto and Jimmy Bly talking about saving each other from burning methanol infernos or something of the like in the 2001 flop Driven

We're not exactly sure what to make of this. But according to the 5150 Studios website, some sort of IndyCar movie is in the works.

Our Hollywood-based informants also hear the movie is in pre-production and that Ryan Gosling is a candidate for the lead role. We'll pass along more info as we receive it.

OUT ON THE ROAD is the story of a prodigy and a screw up, both trying to make it in the highly competitive world of IndyCar racing. CASE KIFFEN’S entire life has built toward racing and winning the Indianapolis 500. While other kids shipped off to college at 18, Case was on the track. In fact, all of Case’s teenage years where spent behind the wheel of a car, missing out on a lot of the normal teenage experience.

His working class, small town Indiana family sacrificed a lot so that this one dream could someday come true. All of this came crashing down when Case injured himself the night before the most important race of his life. He was drinking at a party and was dealt a hard reminder that even golden boys are not invincible.

The broken ankle of Case Kiffen is not good news for the broken wallet of BENNY STILTS. Benny grew up with racing royalty. His father had long been the grand old man of IndyCar, until he passed away three years ago. Not seeing any other choice, Benny knew it was his responsibility to carry on the family legacy. Spending money recklessly trying to keep up with other teams, Benny quickly finds himself simply trying to stay afloat. The one racer he’s developed on his own, BRYN HOLLAND, has a ton of potential, but doesn’t appear ready for primetime. In one of her biggest races, she stubbornly lets herself run out of gas rather than pit on the final laps of the Indy 500 in an ill fated attempt to win the race. The head of his pit crew, RANDALL DENNIS, is the brilliant leader who keeps that team competitive often in spite of Benny’s incompetence. And the savior of racing whom his father had nurtured from the age of 19 is now out for the season. Alongside everything else, Benny is still getting over losing his ex-wife. He’s lost so many people he loved recently it’s hard to let a new person in. He only seems to find comfort in GINA SERRANO, a feisty vendor. She has built a reputation as someone who likes to sleep around with other members of the racing community. She is a lost soul, putting off figuring out her own life even as she is well into her thirties. Jenny finds in Gina a kindred and fellow restless spirit but he can’t push himself hard enough to take a real chance with her.

At the start of the new season Case questions if he is actually meant to race. Does he still feel the same passion for the sport as an adult? When he too meets and finds sparks with Gina, he only becomes more distracted. Benny’s weeks away from his immense debt being exposed by the press, a revelation that will ultimately force him to sell the team. The season unfolding from St. Petersburg to Birmingham to Long Beach to Sao Paulo and back to Indy again for a second chance at the biggest race of Case’s life, our prodigy and screw up will each come to realize what’s most important to them as just about everything else in their lives falls apart. For Case, that one thing is his love for IndyCar. For Benny, it’s selling off his team to an owner who loves racing as much as Case, Bryn and Randall so he can do what he should have done in the first place: win Gina’s heart and start over again with a life that’s not merely a pale imitation of his father. They hold the keys to their own destiny.