Honda team lights up school in Melbourne

The Honda Racing F1 Team arrived in Melbourne this week and one of the first stops was Albert Park Primary School, where the team’s race drivers Jenson Button and Rubens Barrichello helped to update the school’s lighting system with eco-friendly fluorescent globes.

The team’s commitment to tackling environmental issues was demonstrated at the school. Firstly the changing of the light globes will save 44.8 tones of CO2 greenhouse gas emissions in 2007 – thereby offsetting the team’s entire carbon footprint for the race itself more than five times. Also on display at the school was Honda’s revolutionary FCX Concept vehicle, the next generation of hydrogen fuel cell car which emits only water.

The development of the hydrogen-powered FCX is an expression of Honda’s technological and environmental leadership. A production model of the FCX will be available for lease sales in Japan and the United States in 2008 – and will be widely available when the children from Albert Park Primary School are old enough to drive themselves.

The light globe changing initiative, driven and funded by the Honda Racing F1 Team, will reduce the school’s annual electricity use on lighting by approximately 70%, while saving more than $8,000 per year in electricity bills.

David Hatherell, Principal – Albert Park Primary School “Albert Park Primary School is delighted to be involved in this Honda Racing F1 Team initiative. Their environmental message, in the form of the earth livery, raises important issues globally and that’s fantastic. Everyone needs to make lifestyle changes to help environmental stability. At Albert Park Primary School we are very environmentally conscious. Each week we have a school award for the most sustainable class, based on how each child in each class gets to school. It was a program we put in place more than three years ago and I believe it has really helped the children and their parents understand that they can all help make a difference.’’ Alistair Watkins, Marketing Director – Honda Racing F1 Team “The children here today are being educated in the ways in which the community can make an effort in reducing carbon emissions.

Replacing light bulbs is a simple, but very effective way of reducing electricity costs while helping the environment. The Honda FCX provides an insight into the type of vehicle that the children of Albert Park Primary School will be driving, once they’re old enough to get behind the wheel." Earlier this month the Honda Racing F1 Team revealed a revolutionary new livery for its RA107 Formula One car, with which it aims to raise awareness of the environmental issues facing the planet. The car features a huge image of earth instead of the more traditional advertising and sponsor logos.

Honda’s initiative is a powerful call to action for fans, sponsors, customers and members of the public to join Honda’s commitment to help address the environmental issues facing the world via the website The Honda Racing F1 Team will work closely with global environmental charities to develop Honda’s existing environmental ethos within the world’s most high profile motorsport.