Slim profit expected at GM

Analysts expect General Motors Corp. to report today that it made a slight profit in the first three months of the year, helped by aggressive restructuring efforts and production adjustments in its North American operations.

Analyst profit estimates averaged between $300 million and $500 million. GM doesn't forecast its results.

It was a tough quarter to forecast, analysts said, because of lower sales and softer vehicle prices. It also remains unclear how much GM's earnings will be affected by exposure to delinquent subprime loans at its former financing arm, GMAC.

GM sold 51% of GMAC in November. GMAC reported a net loss of $305 million on Wednesday. Despite that uncertainty and even as GM fell behind Toyota Motor Corp. for total global sales for the quarter, analysts said, GM has made progress in some areas that should result in quarterly profits globally and possibly even in North America.