Maybe Fisher needs a collection agency

Sarah Fisher circles Indy with blank sidepods
Jim Haines/IRL

These companies owe Sarah Fisher a significant amount of money. I hope you'll write down the names or commit them to memory:

The first is Gravity Entertainment of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

The second is ResQ, a sports-drink company whose Web site features Fisher extolling its product and its commitment to racing.

I'm willing to give both companies the benefit of the doubt regarding their inexplicable failures to make good on contractual promises to Fisher's team.

Maybe the check got lost in the mail — although the money was supposed to be wired, which might explain the disconnect. Maybe the dog ate the check. Maybe it's all an innocent mistake, and the companies will make good and allow Fisher to not only make this week's payroll — three days and counting — but continue her quest to make a seventh Indianapolis 500.

But just in case, if anyone wants to issue them a gentle reminder, put a bug in their ear, feel free to do so. Tell them, "Um, until you hold up your end of the bargain with Sarah Fisher, it's going to be awfully difficult for you to do business with jammed phone lines.''

Already, some of the locals are trying to help.

"Look at this,'' Fisher said Sunday, reaching into her jeans pocket to pull out a piece of folded paper.

It was a personal check. From a fan. To Fisher for $100.

"I've gotten two or three today (Sunday),'' she said, smiling. More at Indy Star

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