NASCAR expects others to lower their prices, not them

Is there any organization (NASCAR, ISC, SMI, etc.) more greedy than the billionaires that run NASCAR? With fans staying away from their races in droves because of the high fuel prices, they refuse to lower their ticket prices to soften the blow for the fans. Instead they want other local businesses to lower their prices. Their greed is appalling.

The question begs to be asked: with the economy seemingly worsening every day, what is NASCAR and its International Speedway Corp. subsidiary doing to make things easier for fans to come to races?

While ticket and concession stand prices (this is where the greedy billionaires makes most of their money) remain the same, tracks have tried to follow NASCAR chairman Brian France’s suggestion earlier this year to work with local businesses to give fans a little more bang for their buck.

That could mean anything from convincing hotels to lower their race weekend prices to convincing businesses to give away things like $20 gas cards to help soften the fuel hit.

While Curtis and NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston claim there’s been some progress, NASCAR can’t demand that hotels, rental car companies and other businesses radically reduce their prices.

“All we can do is to try and engage them," Poston said, “to make sure these local business communities understand the larger issue here, not just making a lot of money on one particular weekend.

“Particularly in towns where there are limited numbers of rooms, places like the Martinsvilles of the world, we want to make sure they’re being fair to the fans and are charging a fair price. If hotels and rental car companies are gouging fans and charging too much, then they’re not going to come back and are not going to continue to patronize these places. That has an effect on everybody, the races and the local economy."