Speedway eyes Georgetown Road closure to build a park

A computerized model of traffic on Georgetown Road could show whether it's feasible to close the road next to Indianapolis Motor Speedway and turn it into a linear park.

Results of the study by the Metropolitan Planning Organization are due this week. If the study determines that closing the road is feasible, Speedway and Indianapolis officials could begin steps toward closing Georgetown Road from 16th to 25th streets by next year.

The closure is part of the town's drive to redevelop areas around the track. The $500 million redevelopment project includes overhauling the Main Street business district and adding race-related tourist areas for visitors.

Town officials also say closing Georgetown Road will help improve security at the track.

While the town awaits results from the traffic study, they have begun to circulate possible concepts for the linear park to stimulate comments from town residents and business owners.

Those renderings and a comment box will remain in the Speedway Public Library until mid-September. Indy Star