Danica throws another Hissy Fit

UPDATE We have added a video of Danica's latest tantrum in Surfers Paradise.

10/27/08 Danica Patrick yesterday angrily took out a frustrating week at the Nikon Indy 300 on youngster A J Foyt and track crew after the pair came together on the streets of Surfers Paradise.

On the back straight as the drivers turned into Breaker Street, Patrick and Foyt made contact and both required assistance to get back to the pits. They were both able to continue but not before Patrick, who has had a poor week, let out all her pent-up frustrations after making a driver error and stalling her engine trying to get around the incident.

The track crew approached Foyt's car to help him back into the race, but they were not as quick to get to Patrick, much to the anger of the American.

A livid Patrick waved her fists wildly at the track crew for a good 30 seconds. Watching it on TV had to be one of the best comedy acts of the year. She looked like a 5 year old kid who just had her Halloween candy taken away from her.

We have seen her throw many childish hissy fits in the past but this ranks right up there with the best of them. This from a driver so slow in Surfers all weekend she could not get out of her own way.

The incident with Foyt came after an earlier drama on lap 12, when she was running 20th and came into contact with Jaime Camara and needed a new nose cone.

Her day did not get any better and she finished 18th, while Foyt recovered to finish 17th.

"Well, it wasn't the way I wanted to end the 2008 season, but that is part of racing," said Patrick. "There were a couple of on-track incidents that I got caught up in that caused me to become a lap down. But I have to thank the Motorola team for their hard work this weekend. We accomplished a great deal and hope to come back stronger."