Scott Speed calls IndyCars boring

Scott Speed likes stock cars just fine. The ex-Formula One driver who will run full-time in the Sprint Cup Series for Red Bull next year was asked in a radio interview if he would ever consider racing in the Indy 500.

"Honestly, holding an open-wheel car flat-out around an oval is not exactly very exciting," he said. "I love this NASCAR thing because you're really having to work in the car. When we go to places like here in the truck where you're wide open in qualifying. We qualified 18th and we were wide open. So what else do you want to do? There's not really a lot of input that you can have as a driver.

"And honestly, the IRL Series is not half as competitive as NASCAR, even a quarter as competitive as Formula One was. It's just how it is. You see the guys who come from open-wheel over here and go over there. It's not the same sport."

So he has no plans to drive an open-wheel car on an oval track.

"It's dangerous for one and I don't see the difficulty," he said.

He also talked about how he thinks a calm demeanor wins championships, as opposed to someone who flies off the handle.

"You don't see Jimmie Johnson throwing his helmet around, do you?" he said. "It's the mindset. If you get emotional out there then you're not making good decisions. Period. I don't care who you are. If you're upset or really happy — you have to be like a machine. You have to be very calculated.

"The best guys in the sport, any sport, are the guys that are calm always, whether it's going good or bad. And that's what I try to be like."