Button: Even I can win title in Hamilton’s car

UPDATE (GMM) Jenson Button insists he is a better driver than his British countryman Lewis Hamilton — at racing a "bad car".

Hamilton wrapped up the drivers' title in Brazil one week ago, while Honda's 28-year-old Button completed the 2008 title eighteenth; the lowest placed contender excluding those at the wheel of Force Indias or Super Aguris.

But he is quoted as saying by the British Sunday tabloid The People: "If had Lewis' car then I'd have been world champion too."

Button, whose only grand prix victory dates back to 2006, insists his comments are not sour grapes, but rather a reflection of his recent experiences.

"Lewis is a worthy world champion but he wouldn't have done as well as me in my Honda.

"I mean, the guy has never been in a bad car. I think you learn from it and become a better driver trying to work with a bad car," he said.

11/09/08 Jenson Button bragged this week: "If I'd had Lewis Hamilton's car then I'd have been world champion too."

Button, whose only Grand Prix victory came in Hungary two years ago, scored a paltry three points last season. He said: "Lewis is a worthy world champion but he wouldn't have done as well as me in my Honda.

"I mean the guy has never been in a bad car. I think you learn from it and become a better driver trying to work with a bad car."

Hamilton has always driven a car with a fair amount of downforce – downforce in line with the HP of the car. Next year with F1 downforce set to reduce significantly but HP to stay the same, and with the car sliding more, we will see how Hamilton does.

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