Mosley makes a dig at Ferrari

FIA President Max Mosley took a dig at current Formula one teams, actually naming Ferrari as not being up for the challenge, stating that he is shocked by their reaction to implementing the new KERS system.

Mosley cites the Maranello based squad as saying that the newest innovation in Formula One was ‘too complicated’, something he could never imagine former F1 pioneers as saying and this is just another symptom of how ‘diseased’ Formula One has become.

"We've finally found a serious engineering challenge for the teams in Kers," Mosley was quoted as saying in the Guardian. "Some manufacturers have risen to this challenge, one manufacturer has produced electric systems which will astonish people when they appear, another team is working on a completely new technology which will also astonish."

“But some leading teams, such as Ferrari, have said that they don't like Kers because it is too complicated. Could you imagine the great Formula One engineers like Colin Chapman (the founder of Lotus) or Keith Duckworth (co-founder of Cosworth) saying, 'I can't do that because it is too complicated'? It is a symptom of a disease in Formula One where incremental change becomes the whole object of the exercise and real, serious innovation plays no part."