Briatore: 70% cut in costs is possible

Renault boss Flavio Briatore says that Formula One’s image and popularity will not be damaged by drastic reductions in teams’ spending amid the global economic crisis. The FIA unveiled a radical package of cost-cutting measures earlier in the month with estimated budget savings of around 30 per cent in 2009.

The options for 2010 and beyond – including the availability of cheaper Cosworth engines to smaller teams and the standardization of major components – are expected to slash costs further still.

“The time for looking around the garage for different ways to cut costs is gone," he told F1 Racing this month. “We have to take an overall look at Formula One."

“I believe it’s possible to have the same show, or better, for 70 per cent less than we spend now."

“Fans want to see racing," he said, “I don’t think they’re interested in what your suspension is made of. We need to keep technology, but races are too predictable"

“Every time we have a good race it’s because something happened with a Safety Car or the weather. We need more fights between drivers."

“The races should be held at a better time as well – 2pm on a Sunday night is not right. We need to be starting 6pm or 7pm."