Williams wants budget cap for 2010

(GMM) In Bahrain, leading lights of FOTA have made clear their trepidation about Max Mosley's plans for a low budget cap next year.

While open to the idea of radical cost-cutting, the official line of the Formula One Teams Association is that 33m euros is far too low a figure, and that the ultimate cap should be phased in over a number of years.

The British team Williams is a FOTA member, but chief executive Adam Parr said on Saturday he thinks a definitive cap should indeed be imposed for 2010.

He admitted that 33m is probably too low a number, but is not sure phasing in a cap over a few years is the right way to go.

"There is a counter argument that in business, generally, if you've got to do something you just get on and do it," said the Briton in Bahrain.