Davey Evans Letter

Hello All,

We need a favor from all the friends of Davey…the man responsible for his death was at a pre-trial hearing in a courtroom in Indianapolis on Tuesday the 28th to plead guilty to a plea bargain of Voluntary Manslaughter.

The prosecutor felt this was the way to go because putting the case in front of a jury of 12 unknown people has a very uncertain outcome. The defense would try to prove it was a bar fight gone wrong and that their man never meant to kill Davey. They would use whatever means necessary to convince the jurors that Davey and the other people there were just as responsible for what happened as the defendant. The prosecutor would try to prove that the disagreement inside was over and the thug continued on his own and intentionally inflicted the blow that killed Davey. Best case scenario, the prosecutor wins and he goes to jail for a long time…worse case scenario, the defense wins and he gets off on a simple assault charge with little or no jail time. I'm sure we all don't agree with the turn of events but it is what it is and for better or worse that part of the tragedy is over. There will be no trial.

The next court date will be his sentencing on May 21st where the judge can sentence him to a maximum of 20 years.

Now for the favor…while in the pre-trial hearing, while pleading GUILTY to killing a man the thug actually had people stand and try to tell the judge what a good guy he was. It sounds almost too comical to be true! What we would like to do is have all of Davey's friends write a short letter telling the judge what a GREAT guy Davey was. On the day of the sentencing the judge will have all these letters in front of him along with the people in the courtroom showing our support of Davey.

Please read the attached letter which has some instructions on what to do and what not to do with the letter along with details of where you can send it when you're finished. I know it's a busy time of year for us all but please take a couple minutes and get this done ASAP as there are certain steps the letters have to go through before they get to the judge.

Do not hesitate to come back to me with any questions you may have Also please feel free to forward this to anyone you can think of who would want to see it. Some people may receive it multiple times but I would rather they get it 5 times than miss someone who would want to reply.

Thanks in advance for your time and support
All the family and friends of Davey