Crisis meetings not constructive – Ecclestone

(GMM) Bernie Ecclestone on Saturday threw a spanner in the works, as other F1 stakeholders proclaimed "constructive" talks to pull the sport out of crisis.

Half the grid, and possibly even more, are threatening to quit over the rules and governance spat with Max Mosley, but many hours of meetings in Monaco sparked signs of cautious optimism.

F1 chief executive Ecclestone, however, who may also be at odds with the teams over the issue of commercial revenue, is clearly still concerned about the precarious situation.

When told that many leading figures had described Friday's key FOTA meeting with FIA president Mosley as constructive, the 78-year-old said: "I would not describe it as constructive.

"There is no agreement yet. Nothing," the Briton is quoted as saying by the News of the World.

McLaren boss Martin Whitmarsh's has been a quiet voice so far amid the spat, but he insisted on Saturday that the talks this weekend have indeed been constructive.

But he also shares Ecclestone's unease.

"There are still some fundamental differences as to how we ensure a sustainable way forward for formula one. We need to do it pretty damn quickly," added Whitmarsh.