Generali ups involvement in MotoGP

Generali, which has also signed a deal with Ducati in the last few days, will be title sponsor of the final round of motor cycling's top-tier MotoGP series in Valencia in November for an estimated $600K.

The move will also include trackside advertising and corporate hospitality at a number of other MotoGP races.

"We are very happy that a company like Generali, with a presence in over 60 countries, has come to an agreement to use MotoGP as a promotional and communication platform," said Dorna Sports managing director Pau Serracanta. "It is a particularly interesting agreement for us, as we welcome a new sector – that of insurance."

A statement from Generali: "The MotoGP World Championship is an ideal sponsorship context, perfectly matching with the international scope of the Generali Group which is glad to title with its brand the highly attended final round of this season."