Rosberg to drive on opening day of tests

Nico Rosberg

(GMM) Nico Rosberg is the latest F1 driver to confirm he will test on the opening day of the 2010 pre-season.

Most teams are expected to attend the group test at Valencia's Ricardo Tormo circuit, and it has emerged that major players including McLaren, Ferrari and Rosberg's teammate Michael Schumacher will be among those in action.

Asked during an interview with Salzburger Nachrichten when he will take his winter preparation to a F1 circuit, 24-year-old German Rosberg answered: "The first of February."

He also said he is in a fighting mood, despite many experts predicting Schumacher will play the dominant role at Mercedes GP this season.

"Of course I want to beat any teammate, that's the direct confrontation, the driver has the same equipment. A little egotism is involved here," he told Monday's edition of the German daily.

Rosberg added that racing in the sister car alongside Schumacher is a "great challenge to be side by side with the best driver ever".

"I am convinced that Michael has not lost his speed," said the son of Finland's 1982 world champion Keke Rosberg.

10-time GP winner Gerhard Berger agrees with Rosberg that he faces a challenge as Schumacher's new teammate.

"For Rosberg it would just be a big achievement to hold his own against him (Schumacher)," the 50-year-old Austrian told Germany's Auto Motor und Sport.

"It is not possible for him to make up for Michael's advantage in terms of experience, political ability and confidence at the first attempt.

"Michael knows how to build the team around him. And now he has his old partner Ross Brawn at his side again.

"If Nico can beat him anyway, he would be a superstar," Berger added.

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