Briatore wins appeal against crashgate ban

UPDATE Press statement from Briatore:

“I would like to express my great joy with the decision handed down by the Paris Tribunal de Grande Instance. I believe it important for FIA to play the active role it deserves in automobile competition. As a sports person and one passionately involved in car racing for more than 20 years, the decision to apply to the civil courts to contest a decision of the FIA was a difficult one for me to take. The fact that the World Automobile Sport Council had been utilized to deal with a personal agenda aimed at pushing me out of the world of competition left me no other choice.

“The decision handed down today restores to me the dignity and freedom that certain people had arbitrarily attempted to deprive me of. The Court recognized that all the criticisms I had formulated against the decision of the World Council were founded, by finding that the FIA had:
– rendered a decision that it was not competent to pronounce
– infringed its own articles of association
– totally failed to respect my right to a fair defense
– finally, entrusted the tasks of investigation, prosecution and judgment to a principle [sic] player known by all to be hostile to me.

“I believe that justice has been done today."

The press release added the following quote about whether he would be returning to F1.

“Let me take a little time to enjoy this moment of happiness after this difficult period. As concerns my possible return to F1, there is plenty of time to talk about this. I would like first of all to thank the people who remained faithful to me during these difficult moments and who showed me their trust and friendship."

01/05/10 (GMM) Flavio Briatore has won his bid to overturn a lifetime ban from motor racing over the 'crashgate' affair, the Reuters and Associated Press wire services are reporting on Tuesday afternoon.

The former Renault boss' similarly ousted engineering director Pat Symonds was also expelled from F1 by the FIA, for a lesser period of five years, after the race-fixing scandal emerged last year.

Briatore, backed in his French legal bid by Symonds, challenged the governing body's decision in Paris' Tribunal de Grande Instance in November, including a push for a million euros in damages.