HVM invites fans to design next IndyCar

What does the perfect open-wheel racing car of the future look like in the minds of the fans? HVM Racing would like to find out. The team is opening an online forum to tap into the creativity and passion of race fans, inviting suggestions and ideas for a new chassis design. Fans are encouraged to submit their concepts to www.hvmracing.com/hvmblog. All sketches, designs, opinions and criticisms are welcome.

Images of designs can be uploaded directly to www.hvmracing.com/hvmblog, and all submissions will be displayed on the site.

Keith Wiggins jpg"It's a fun exercise to engage the fans," said Keith Wiggins, team principal and owner. "If you read any online forum or blog about open-wheel racing, you can see that most fans have very specific ideas about the sport, its participants and the car itself. The car is a current topic and important to our future. This will give them a chance to show off their ideas, regardless of whether they're realistic or just fantasy."

One submission, selected by a random drawing from all submissions, will win the opportunity for two people to be VIP guests of HVM Racing at the 2010 Indianapolis 500.