Exclusive Track Link for North America’s premier motorsport complexes

North America’s premier motorsport complexes, Atlanta Motorsports Park, Calabogie Motorsports Park, Circuit ICAR, Miller Motorsports Park, New Jersey Motorsports Park, Palm Beach International Raceway and Virginia International Raceway, are pleased to announce an exclusive agreement that will see their respective track memberships enjoy reciprocal track day services throughout the year. The “Track Link" membership offer is exclusive to the members of these participating race country clubs with the idea of providing more services to each track’s clientele.

All these circuits are motorsport country clubs bringing the golf country club concept to a road course instead of an 18-hole golf course. The business model is similar, with a one-time initiation fee and annual or monthly dues. Despite each track having its own membership offering, the Track Link is the perfect tool to grow their respective memberships and provide them additional track days at minimal cost.

The agreement provides each member the same benefits and advantages as if they were at their home track. The agreement was signed at the Performance Racing Industry show held in Orlando, Florida in December 2009.

“I clearly believe this union of membership tracks will lead to excellent opportunities for both members and tracks," said Steve Stander, Director of business development at New Jersey Motorsports Park.

“We are really looking forward to offering this precious value-adding proposition to our members and it is with great pride that Palm Beach International Raceway will be the host of the first ever Track Link activity on February 17th and 18th, 2010," said Jason Rittenberry, President at CEO PBIR.

“Track Link is a great idea, not only for the additional track time this offers to everyone’s members, but with standardized driver assessments and driver ability levels, all the members will be able to compare apples to apples," enthused Mitch Wright, Director of racing Miller Motorsports Park.

“This initiative will give our members the chance to test their skills at other tracks without the trouble of getting a group started to rent another track. This way a member can go to any other track’s member days and still feel at home," mentions Harvey Siegel of Virginia International Raceway.

“We are extremely pleased to offer our members the opportunity to drive the Track Link tracks as a full-fledged member there and we could not be happier to welcome everyone’s members here at Circuit ICAR in Mirabel", commented Marc Arseneau, president of Circuit ICAR.

“Track Link falls perfectly in line with our desire to provide more services to our patrons. We are proud to be the exclusive Ontario racetrack and proud to be involved with other world class facilities in such a fantastic and innovative program," said Bruce Gregory, president at Calabogie.

“Atlanta Motorsports Park is thrilled to be the only club out of the Track Link agreement to offer this amazing opportunity to its members from the day we open. We feel this is a great addition to the product we are offering and we look forward to welcoming our Track Link cousins to Atlanta," mentioned Jeremy W. Porter, CEO of Atlanta Motorsports Park.

Track Link is in negotiations with numerous other race country clubs throughout North America and hopes to announce new member-tracks soon.