In IZOD IndyCar has the perfect sponsor

Finally, IndyCar has landed a series sponsor that understands what NASCAR has made its sponsors understand for decades, activation of their product around the race series or driver they sponsor. It's a simple proven formula that has worked for NASCAR.

IZOD is running broadcast IndyCar ads MORE THAN 50 X a DAY! Never, that we know of, has any sponsor associated with American open wheel racing done this type of activation – mainstream advertising on network TV for the sport.

Their first wave of TV commercials are creating awareness and excitement for the 2010 IZOD IndyCar Series. Between January 15 and the end of the month, they’re running an average of more than 50 IZOD IndyCar Series commercials a day. You may have seen it last weekend, during the Golden Globe Awards pre-show on E!

This weekend, don’t miss the ad during the NFL playoffs on CBS and Fox. In the week ahead, the ads will run during The Grammy's, The NFL Pro Bowl, Good Morning America, and CNN’s Larry King and Andersen Cooper, as well as airings during popular shows on ESPN, E!, Versus, Golf, G4, Speed, and Style.