NASCAR not taking blame for Daytona delays

NASCAR Spokesperson Ramsey Poston spoke on Monday about the pothole issue at Daytona:

Q: Are you ready to tell the track now is the time to repave it since it hasn't been repaved since 1978?
POSTON: "We don't know whether it's time to repave. Obviously, this is something they're going to spend a lot of time with the track on and make an assessment to figure out if now is the time to repave the track or as Robin (Braig, president of Daytona International Speedway) said last night do you need to focus in on that spot or a couple of spots. This comes down to what is best for the safety of the drivers, what is best for racing and that, with the help of the track's engineers, is the decision we need to come to.''
Q: Why, with all the engineering experts, did it come down to using Bondo to patch the hole?
: "Bondo is very effective. It was effective last night for the laps we needed to get in. We've used some of these compounds I think in Montreal when we had a track problem in Montreal two years ago. Same thing, went out and I think that's what was used and it was very successful.''
Q: Was this preventable?
POSTON: "I don't know how many miles we've had at this track in the last 10 days, but we've had a lot. And the night before we had two major races and the morning of the Daytona 500 the track was walked as it was by track officials to inspect the track. There were no signs there and there was no indication any of the race prior to the Daytona 500 that there were any issues with the track. Obviously, it was very unfortunate. There were no warning signs.'' Virginian Pilot