The Photo of the Week?

Fans either love or hate Kyle Busch, there is no middle ground – note graffiti on the wall

When it comes to NASCAR Sprint Cup driver Kyle Busch there doesn't seem to be any middle ground regarding fan appreciation levels. The fans either worship the asphalt he drives on or they cringe at the very mention of his name. But even Busch would probably be surprised to discover that his latest round of criticism was printed on the front stretch concrete retaining wall of the Auto Club Speedway by a not so impressed fan.

Prior to the start of the February 21st Auto Club 500, a fan took a black magic marker pen and drew a target on the speedway wall. Adjacent to the target were these words:


Some will say this is the work of a tagger with very limited artistic qualities. Some will say the author didn't have a cell phone to send this message via text or Twitter. Some might go as far to say this is another demonstration of freedom of speech.

But we really need to call it exactly what it is: defacing private property. The sooner I realize that the sooner I'll stop laughing.