Newman’s team pretty well set on sponsorship

From a Stewart Haas Racing Transcript, Mobil 1 Sponsorship Announcement:

Q: Tony, is the 14 car now totally sold as far as primary sponsorship for 2011, or are you still looking for more? Can you update us on the 39 as well? Are Army and Tornados returning?

TONY STEWART: "Everything is good on the 39 car there with Tornados and U.S. Army coming back. We're in good shape on the 14 car now. This has fulfilled what we're looking for to fill the void for Old Spice next year. It allows us to now put that project behind us. We're still always looking for new partners. You never stop in that category. You're always looking to bring new people into the sport and even if it's not at a co-primary position, you're always looking for associate sponsors. So the search, necessarily, isn't over. But this does fill the void from the Old Spice brand leaving at the end of the year. On Ryan's car, we're still looking for some associate sponsorship also, but we're very happy that Tornados and U.S. Army are coming back again. Exciting to have new partners that have come into the sport that are excited and happy with what we're doing and that want to return. So very happy with the way things are going right now." Stewart Haas Racing

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