McNish: Gasoline cars now have a chance at LeMans

Audi Le Mans star Allan McNish believes this year's rule changes could make the top gas-powered cars a major threat to Audi and Peugeot's diesel prototypes.

"Looking at the straight-line speed that Aston Martin had last year, they were very fast, anything going more towards them and less toward us is a fear, no question," he said.

"The one area that we've got a slight advantage is that we're out with our car already and testing," said McNish. "Le Mans seems a long way away in June but in reality it's not that far away. Aston is still to get it into the track so it's going to be a bit behind. But you can never discount the potential of that team."

"The Rebellion Racing entry with Toyota power running on gasoline, that's the package we have to wait and see," he said. "I know Toyota's capability to produce engines, it's a good one, but we'll have to wait and see when it actually hits the track."