Pressure is on Dale Jr. to perform

(LOOKING AHEAD TO THIS YEAR): "I'm really sick of how we ran over the last several years and ready to see something different, ready to get to the track and see different results. We'll just have to see how it goes.

(WHAT DO YOU NEED TO EXCEL): "I don't know exactly what the perfect match is (with a crew chief). I'm game for trying anything out and moving around and shaking it up a little bit and changing the scope of the team however they want to change it. I'm pretty much up for any of that.''

(AFTER PAST YEARS UNDERPERORMING IS THERE REALLY ANY PRESSURE ON YOU): "I'm sure a lot of people expect nothing more than we did last year. Last year we were kind of out of the radar, which was kind of fun. It's a lot less garbage to deal with when you're not in the radar, but I just feel like, I don't know what the reasons were for me and Lance (McGrew) and that group as a whole not working out, I really enjoyed Lance and I think we're still great friends today and I think he has a lot of talent, but it just didn't work. I feel good about the position I'm in now, and I feel pretty confident about it. I'm looking forward to going into the season and working hard for it. We'll see how it goes. When you're running good you can put up with anything. It's not fun being on the radar when you run like crap. Last year we sort of fell off the radar all together.

"I want to be in racing for a very long time, and I know I can drive good enough to run well and I'll stick around until I get it right and it's eventually going to have to happen.''