Alonso punished McLaren and Dennis for favoring Hamilton

Ron Dennis reviews a Spygate letter with Fernando Alonso in 2007. Alonso claims the McLaren team was giving Lewis Hamilton better equipment and when the team did not rectify the situation Alonso punished them by revealing the Spygate evidence proving McLaren stole secrets from Ferrari. It also led to Dennis' outer as McLaren F1 team boss.

Lewis Hamilton's former teammate Fernando Alonso attempted to sabotage the Briton's drive during their partnership in 2007, according to a new biography titled: "No Angel: the Secret Life of Bernie Ecclestone".

Hamilton's acrimonious relationship with Alonso has been well documented, with the pair becoming embroiled in on- and off-track battles during the 2007 season. One such row broke out during the Hungarian Grand Prix, when the Spaniard was stripped of pole position after he blocked Hamilton in the pits.

Fresh details have now been released about the pair's relationship, with Tom Bowers' book claiming Alonso asked McLaren team manager Ron Dennis to make sure Hamilton's car ran out of fuel.

It also details an ultimatum issued by Alonso to Dennis, threatening to supply the FIA with incriminating emails unless he was treated as McLaren's No. 1 driver ahead of the Briton, which Alonso was eventually alleged to have done. The emails led to Spygate and the downfall of Ron Dennis because it was proven McLaren stole secrets from Ferrari. Alonso claimed the British team was favoring British driver Lewis Hamilton unfairly (which is quite possible as he never had that problem with any other teammate) so he taught the team a lesson by bringing them to their knees.

The duo are now on separate teams as the 2011 season approaches, starting in Australia on March 25, and their rivalry is likely to have intensified following the latest revelations.

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