Will Power must also win on ovals to win IndyCar title

Will Power pits at Texas last year

It's going to surprise no one when Will Power runs well Sunday when the IndyCar Series heads to Brazil for the Itaipava Sao Paulo Indy 300. No driver in the circuit runs better on road courses than the Team Penske driver, who won the series' road-course title last year.

It's when the Indy cars take to the oval course that will decide whether the Australian will be able to snare his first IndyCar championship.

"We know we've got to do better on the ovals than we did last year," Power said. "I don't think that will be a problem."

Power's confidence is buoyed by the fact he finished 2010 comfortable on ovals. He's started the 2011 season comfortable everywhere.

Through three road-course races, Power trails defending series champion Dario Franchitti by seven points for the series lead. But Power has led all three races and won in Alabama. No driver has led more laps than Power, who has topped the chart for 125 laps. He could have accrued more points but he had contact with other cars in the two races he didn't win.

"At the Barber race [Power's victory], there was nothing we could have done better," Power said. "There have been two races I've been hit on the restart. I don't know how you prevent that from happening. You just have to put yourself in less vulnerable spots, I guess."

If Power avoids problems in Brazil and escapes Indianapolis unscathed, he will be in position for a championship when the oval series swings into action beginning with the Firestone Twin 275s on June 11 at Texas Motor Speedway.

Power is looking forward to the stretch. All five of his victories last year came on road courses.

"By the end of last year I really had the ovals nailed," said Power, who finished second to Franchitti in the standings last year. "I felt way better. I knew I could run better on those tracks. We were putting the whole thing together. My guys in the pits were doing a great job. We're coming back this year to get that stuff right."

So what is the draw to the ovals for Power, who has excelled on the tougher road courses?

"It's just the challenge of them," he said. "I'm real determined to go in there and have fun and get all the details right to win one of those races. That's what it comes down to." Star-Telegram