Kasey Kahne knee update

A transcript in part from Toyota Motorsports from a press conference at Richmond, with #4-Kasey Kahne answering questions on his recent knee surgery:

Q) How did your knee surgery go and how are you feeling now?
Kahne: "It went really good. I thought just doing it Monday right after the Talladega race would be good. I'd have plenty of time to recover. They just had to fix my meniscus again. It actually feels pretty good."

Q) Will your knee injury affect you in the race car?
Kahne: "I hope it doesn't, but it's still a little bit sore. I think it may be sore throughout the race, but really as far as affecting the speed or the way that the race plays out, I don't think it will affect that at all."

Q) How long have your knees been an issue?
Kahne: "I always had really good knees and then just last year they started really bothering me. It had been building up for a while. I got them fixed in November. And then my right one, I reinjured it in probably about January or February — probably February and I've just been waiting until I had time to get it fixed. It's been kind of a pain, but at the same time it's part of things happen. It's part of bones and cartilage and all of that stuff I guess. I've had some struggles with it for a little while, but I think hopefully it's fixed now and be good to go from here on out."

Q) How did you reinjure your knee?
Kahne: "I finished a workout and I slipped off the bench and just my feet kind of gave out — I don't know how I did it. I mean, I know exactly how it happened, I don't know exactly why. It just happened and I laid there for about five minutes, and then the last two months I've hoped that it would get better and it didn't so I got it checked again and I had blown basically the stitches that held it together that they fixed the first time. I had blown those stitches out, so it was just hanging in there again."

Q) Did your slip cause you to blow your knee out or did you blow your knee out and then slip?
Kahne: "It was definitely because I slipped and then put the pressure on them and it couldn't handle it. They were fine until that."

Q) Do you have to wear a brace on your knee
Kahne: "No, by bracing it doesn't really make it feel any better. It's just inside. It's not really a twist. It just has to heal."

Q) Did you have to make any adjustments to the seat in your race car after this surgery?
Kahne: "I sat in the car a couple of days ago and it felt fine. I think the pressure of going through a corner — your leg like leaning on the side — that might affect it some and just going up and down with your throttle the whole night. You know, it might gain a little swelling and be tight or something. But, that would be about it. It should be good."

Q) Do you have any more surgery scheduled?
Kahne: "No. I hope not. I don't want any more surgeries. I'm over it. It's not that much fun."(Toyota Motorsports)