IZOD IndyCar Series to live stream Race Control via Verizon Wireless

Beginning with the Sept. 4 Baltimore Grand Prix, the IZOD IndyCar Series will provide a live streaming video glimpse into Race Control during the remaining races this season.

One camera will provide fans with a view of the inner workings of Race Control via the INDYCAR Mobile application available from Verizon Wireless.

"The IZOD IndyCar Series fully supports (Race Director) Brian Barnhart and the entire team in Race Control," INDYCAR CEO Randy Bernard said. "They have, by far, one of the most difficult jobs in all of sports. We believe that they have followed the rulebook well, and it's important to bring this element of transparency to their job. We feel that by providing a behind-the-scenes view into Race Control, fans, teams and sponsors can truly understand how this dedicated, professional team works together to ensure safety, competitiveness and entertainment value."

Twenty-four camera angles around the circuit plus in-car camera video, real-time timing & scoring data and radio communication are monitored by a four-person team of officials in Race Control. The Race Control team is also in communication with officials on pit lane to ensure that the on-track activity is safe, legal and on schedule.

"This is a great experiment to provide a more transparent view to Race Control that hasn't been available in the past," said Barnhart, president of competition and operations, INDYCAR. "We want fans to see the challenges and difficulties of officiating a closely competitive 28-car field to showcase the confident and capable team we have working behind the scenes every weekend."

The Race Control camera will provide a view into the officials working behind the scenes including:

· Senior Official/Race Director – Head official for all practice sessions, qualifications and races. Calls starts and restarts and issues penalties.

· Race Stewards – Aid the Senior Official in the overall supervision of the event, reviews incidents and interpretation of the IndyCar Series rule book.

· Driver Coach – Offers officiating assistance to the Senior Official. Watches the event in real time and offers opinions of replays and reviews, when applicable.

· Fire Control – Dispatches all track safety units, including Holmatro Safety Team vehicles, wreckers, firemen, ambulances, pit lane firemen and medics.

· "Voice of Race Control" – The primary communicator to all teams, the starter, pit lane officials and the pace car during practices, qualifications and the race. Also controls the dash light system. Every team must monitor the race control frequency, which is a listen-only channel.

· Chief Observer – Serves and the primary contact for the network of observers around the track at all oval events. The observer network serves as an extra set of eyes for the Holmatro Safety Team and has limited officiating duties.

Verizon is the exclusive official wireless sponsor to the IZOD IndyCar Series. The IndyCar Mobile application on Verizon Wireless phones is available by texting INDY to 3406.