The lowdown on Qingdao

UPDATE A reader writes, Dear I don’t know why Indy Car wouldn’t schedule a race on the road course at the Brickyard as a replacement race for China. They could also run the ladder series’ that weekend. Plus I am sure that the SCCA Pirelli World Challenge teams would be up for a spot as a support race and it would be a huge deal for them to run at Indy. They are going to use the road course during the Brickyard Super Weekend so set up should not be a problem. Paul Mahon

Dear Paul, As we wrote, the Hulman George family would prefer to dilute the IndyCar brand at the Brickyard by running many different series, even the lowly Grand-Am series (Swamp Buggy Racing will be next) instead of solidifying the IndyCar brand by running a 2nd IndyCar race at the Brickyard – the 'home' of Indy Cars and the IndyCar brand. Regardless, it's too late for this year anyway. It would be better for IndyCar to race at Road America with ALMS in place of China if they can do a deal. Mark C.

06/16/12 It's common knowledge now that IndyCar was forced to cancel its upcoming Qingdao, China race. What's not known is why it was really cancelled and how very important it is for IndyCar to not give up on China. In this article we give you the 'Paul Harvey Now that's the rest of the story' inside facts into what went into cancelling what was to be IndyCar's most important new race since its inception. See Home page feature article for all the details of what really happened.