Bob Jenkins Becomes Voice Of Silver Crown

Bob Jenkins has accepted the role of chief broadcaster for the USAC Traxxas Silver Crown Series for 2013. He will orchestrate the announcing duties for 11 events, beginning with the April 28 “Sumar Classic 100" in Terre Haute, Ind. and ending with the September 21 “4-Crown Nationals" in Rossburg, Ohio.

Events Jenkins will announce also are scheduled at Indianapolis, Ind. (3), Madison, Ill., Fountain, Colo., Milwaukee, Wisc., Belleville, Kans., Springfield and DuQuoin, Ill.

“Getting a chance to work in the USAC Silver Crown series will take me back to my roots of racing’" said Jenkins. “My first exposure to racing in the early 60′s was sprint cars and what are now Silver Crown cars. It has always been an exciting form of competition and I look forward to working with the drivers, car owners, crew members, track owners and officials this coming season."

“Obviously, we are beyond delighted that Bob will join our team in 2013," said USAC Silver Crown Director James Spink. “His expertise and knowledge of our participants, plus the intense appreciation of this type of motorsports, makes him the obvious choice to fill this post. We are indeed fortunate to have his services."