Mateschitz Promises Investments Around Austrian F1 Race

Red Bull Ring near Spielberg, Austria

Red Bull Owner Dietrich Mateschitz "has promised investments in and around Spielberg, Austria," according to KURIER. He also "wants to more closely include the surrounding communities."

The Red Bull Ring, which is located near Spielberg, will host an F1 race for the first time in 11 years in June. On Monday, Mateschitz "hosted the mayor and members of the Murtal region tourism industry for an information evening."

The evening was about "ideas for the development of the region." Several of the more than 50 guests said that Mateschitz "counts on bicycles during the grand prix weekend." He is expected "to buy 1,000 bikes, partially with electric motors for hotels on higher elevations, so visitors can ride the short distance to the track." After the event, the bikes "will be given to the local communities."

Mateschitz also "wants to keep the region's tradition." He "wants to have regional live music at every bar and restaurant during the F1 race weekend, so people feel comfortable and will return." Another idea of the 69-year-old "is to push 'self made' local products." A network of stores "could sell products like cheese, bacon or hats under one name."

The revenue "would go back to the producers." In addition, Mateschitz wants to support new business owners. He said, "Everybody who has a business idea can send it to us. We will collect and evaluate them." Good ideas "will be rewarded with some type of loan from a new corporation called 'Werkberg.'" KURIER