Nashville Superspeedway sale delayed

The sale of the Nashville Superspeedway in Lebanon (TN) was delayed at the request of the buyer, NeXovation, and Dover Motorsports has issued an Oct. 25 deadline to close the deal.

The Nashville Business Journal reported the development last week, and it was confirmed Monday by NeXovation public relations director Chris Goodrich. It is unclear what happens if the deadline is not met, but it is assumed the sale will be voided and Dover will retain ownership of the troubled Gladeville facility that has sat idle for three years.

The Business Journal reported, "The would-be buyer of the Nashville Superspeedway has been given more time to complete the deal." Citing a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, the report said the $45.8 million deal between track owner Dover Motorsports Inc. and Nashville-based NeXovation was announced in May. Under the deal, NeXovation is to pay Dover Motorsports $27 million in cash and assume $18.8 million in outstanding bond obligations owned to Wilson County. According to the Business Journal, NeXovation could choose to back out of the deal before the Dover deadline. More at Lebanon Democrat