Jordan: F1 is completely unfair

Eddie Jordan

Former team Owner Eddie Jordan said that F1 has "failed its smaller teams and should be ashamed at the way some of them have been driven out of business."

Jordan: "I am absolutely sick of the way Formula One is being run at the moment."

Jordan's small team "gave Michael Schumacher his F1 debut" in '91.

Jordan: "It is completely unfair… this business is about competition and it needs to be fair and seen to be fair. It is not any of those things. Without the small teams you lose the very fabric of the make-up of Formula One."

Jordan "railed at the system of bonus payments to top teams on the basis of their historical contribution to the sport" and said it was "completely wrong."

He added, "They (the small teams) have been lied to and misled because the budget (cap) they had been promised… was never adhered to. No one gave it a slightest bit of attention." REUTERS