NASCAR town honors IndyCar Series champion

Will Power

MOORESVILLE, NC, home to a number of NASCAR teams also has an IndyCar resident. 2014 Verizon IndyCar champion Will Power received symbolic keys to the town at Monday night's Mooresville Board of Commissioners meeting.

Power won Penske Racing's 13th IndyCar Series championship and Penske's 26th national racing championship overall.

Penske and its NASCAR operations have had a longtime presence in Mooresville.

Power, who attended the meeting with his wife, Liz, notched three wins, eight top-five finishes and four Verizon P1 Pole Awards this year. Power is from Australia. He and his wife live in Mooresville.

"This has been an exciting and successful racing season, and we are proud of the accomplishments Penske Racing has achieved," the Board of Commissioners said in a proclamation recognizing Penske Racing and Power. Charlotte Observer