Petition to bring back the apron at Indy

[Editor's Note: Adding back the apron takes away the skill required to win at Indy. It increases speeds artificially and will not improve the show for IndyCars at all. It will help IndyCar's arch-enemy, NASCAR, immensely as their wallowing taxicabs struggle to put on a good show at Indy. So if you want to help NASCAR, go ahead and sign this petition. The passing during the Indy 500 has been great. No need to ruin a good thing.]

Talk is cheap, and although the IMS has talked of bringing back the apron. I will believe it when I see it, and until then I say we depend on fan's like ourselves to drive the message home, how important it is to us fan's! I would like to think the IMS would bring this to fruition without being reminded. But just in case this was free to do, and the squeaky wheel does get the grease!

This is not up for debate! You either would like to see the apron brought back. Or you don't like the idea. And therefore will not be signing this petition! Thanks to all of you that take the time to care, and make a difference! And I respect those of you who chose not to sign. Paul Palmieri