NHMS GM pleads guilty to lewdness charge

New Hampshire Motor Speedway general manager Jerry Gappens pleaded guilty Thursday to a charge of lewdness. Gappens was arrested in January after police said he engaged in sexual activity with a woman inside a car. Gappens' attorney said the conduct occurred in a car behind darkened windows in a publicly accessible parking lot. In court, Gappens said he was taking full responsibility for his actions.

"I did not act according to the standards that I have as a person and as a husband," Gappens said. "I sincerely apologize to my wife and family for the hurt and public embarrassment caused by my uncharacteristic behavior." Gappens was fined $1,200, with $700 of the fine suspended for one year. He was also ordered to attend counseling. Gappens said he has already faced disciplinary action at NHMS and expects to keep his job. WMUR